

  1. 未用到多键操作、事务、涉及到多键的lua脚本。对key的访问都是独立的,当然也包括使用事务或lua脚本聚合多条命令来访问相同的key
  2. 用到多键操作、事务、涉及到多键的lua脚本,但这些键都拥有相同的哈希标签,也就是说同时用到的这些key都有用花括号圈引起来的相同子串,例如:SUNION {user:1000}.foo {user:1000}.bar
  3. 用到多键操作、事务、涉及到多键的lua脚本,这些key没有明确相同的哈希标签





  1. Stop your clients. No automatic live-migration to Redis Cluster is currently possible. You may be able to do it orchestrating a live migration in the context of your application / environment.
  2. Generate an append only file for all of your N masters using the BGREWRITEAOF command, and waiting for the AOF file to be completely generated.
  3. Save your AOF files from aof-1 to aof-N somewhere. At this point you can stop your old instances if you wish (this is useful since in non-virtualized deployments you often need to reuse the same computers).
  4. Create a Redis Cluster composed of N masters and zero slaves. You’ll add slaves later. Make sure all your nodes are using the append only file for persistence.
  5. Stop all the cluster nodes, substitute their append only file with your pre-existing append only files, aof-1 for the first node, aof-2 for the second node, up to aof-N.
  6. Restart your Redis Cluster nodes with the new AOF files. They’ll complain that there are keys that should not be there according to their configuration.
  7. Use redis-trib fix command in order to fix the cluster so that keys will be migrated according to the hash slots each node is authoritative or not.
  8. Use redis-trib check at the end to make sure your cluster is ok.
  9. Restart your clients modified to use a Redis Cluster aware client library.

还有另一个可选方案是使用redis-trib import命令将数据从外部实例导入到redis集群中。命令将运行中的实例的所有key都移动到指定的已经存在的redis集群中,这个过程会将源实例中的key删除。注意:由于redis2.8没有实现迁移连接缓存,所以当其作为源实例时,迁移操作可能会很慢,比较好的方案是,在进行数据迁移操作之前,用redis3.x版本重启源实例。
